Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to participate in the contest?

Click on the Baby Photo Contest menu and upload your picture, and share through various social media platforms to get more votes.

Is there any restriction to participate in the contest?

Is there any restriction to participate in the contest?
We don’t have any restrictions but it depends on which event you are going to participate in. Please visit our Rules page for more detail

Is the participation free for the contest?

Yes, it is absolutely free.

How can we vote for any contest?

To vote, open the contestant page or search in the entries page & click on the vote now button.

Can a person vote multiple times?

Yes, anyone can vote any number of times but we have a restriction for 1 vote in half an hour for each person.

Can we do multiple votes within half an hour using the same network?

No, you can’t do multiple votes using the same IP address as the vote button will be not enable for you.

How can we get more votes?

Once registration is completed, You can share the vote link to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and other social networking platforms to get more votes.

How can we share the participant on social media?

You can see the sharable button of Facebook, WhatsApp, and even the URL on the contestant page below of the contestant picture.

How to view Leaderboard?

You must be one of the participants and get at least 999 votes to view the leaderboard.

Can I participate again in the Next Month?

Yes, You Can Participate in any Month.

Can we modify the picture or name after uploading?

No, you can’t modify it yourself but you can contact us via the contact us page or send an email to with your details and our team will help you to modify it.

Can we delete my participation?

Yes, you can send us an email to from your registered email-id and our team will delete your participation.

How can we get to know about the event?

You can visit our website or follow us on Facebook/Instagram page to get up to date.

What are the prizes for the winners?

Please visit our prizes section to get more details.

Can everyone will get a participation certificate?

To get a participation certificate you need 999 votes minimum.

How can we get a participation certificate?

We send a participation certificate to your registered email.

When does the result announce for the monthly contest?

The result announced on or before the 15th of every month.